
If you are looking for a speaker with a sense of humor, that has experience in many different cultures and environments, get connected. We love serving God where he leads and look forward to heading to your church, event or gathering soon.

Wedding Facilitor

We have a unique style that bring the richest elements to your very special day. This is not the time to compromise. You put a lot of effort in, let us help you polish it off. We include pre marriage materials and conversation. Contact us for a fantastic experience.


The book 'Eleven C's for a Strong Marriage' along with the workbook is designed to get you talking. To get you having valuable conversations that you might not otherwise have.  It is a catalyst for movement and change. (Check Out: Amazon Link)


A sideline project to help families in their finances ...

We also do financial counseling. We have discovered that the number one issue families fight over is the money! So contact us to help you work through a plan. There is no charge to help you get organized and to have someone for accountability and possibility thinking.

Corporate Chaplain

We care about the community. The place where most people will spend more time than at home is their work place. We serve as a local chaplaincy by coming to your work place and connecting with your staff. There is plenty of documented research that having a chaplain improves the work environment, encourage the staff, leads to less tardiness and higher work ethic that positively effects the bottom line. (Check out: Corporate Care and Chaplain Services web page)


Next Steps...

Make contact: rodsandersonsmith@gmail.com